

The banana is the most practical fruit. It's easy to eat and it doesn't cause any mess. Just release it from its protecting shell, enjoy it and toss the skin.

Apple or pears seem practical too, but if you look closer they really aren't. You either have to cut them or gnaw around their stone, which does not only get very juicy but also annoyingly loud.

Oranges are hard to eat too. Getting the peel off all by itself is an awful a lot of work. Mandarins are better but then again there's the peel that you have to deal with, and it can get messy.

If you're a real banana expert, you'll open them from the neck. That's right! Monkeys, who are obviously the real banana experts open them that way. Why? Because the flower tip (the side many people open the banana from) could be poisonous, so they start at the neck.

Next time, you pick a fruit, choose wisely.